
There are lots of violins, violas and celli all around the world. But not each elder instrument is in complete function or fulfills modern demands. That is why the REPAIR of old stringed instruments nearly always makes sense – in an ideal as well as in a financial aspect.

First of all I will take a look at your instrument in order to find out any damage or disfunction. At the same time I might estimate its origin and value.

Beside all standard repairs (e.g. planing fingerboard, soundpost setting, new bridges and pegs) I also do complete restorations. Very important here is to consider the musicians needs and the qualities of the instrument in the same way. That is why for me it is a matter of course to keep the contact to the client even under the process of restoration.
When the repair work or restoration is finished I use to try out the instruments new sound qualities together with the musician adjusting sound post, bridge and strings. On this way we will approach to the desired ideal of sound.

My advice in respect of sound often begins with the choice of strings. I have each common brand in stock. You are welcome to try any string you want on your instrument in order to find the best one!

Of course I also do bow rehairing using very fine quality of mongolian and sibirian white hair.
Furtheron I renew thumb grips, wrappings, screws and screw eyes and also head plates. For further bow restoration I can offer the co-operation with a Berlin based master bow makers' workshop.